“I think in Rus(s)ian”. On the 150th anniversary of the death of Vladimir Dal

Vladimir Dal was a Russian writer, ethnographer, folklorist, military doctor, and an official. His magnum opus is the legendary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. However, few people know that once the dictionary was considered only one of his eccentricities, while Vladimir Dal constantly refined and completed it until his death, never fully satisfied with his brainchild.

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Tokens of Fate. To the 100th anniversary of Yuri Knorozov, a Soviet scientist who deciphered the Maya script

Russia and the land of the ancient Maya, encompassing Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras, lie on different continents. This makes it even more fascinating that the first person to read the inscriptions made by the vanished civilization was a Russian ethnographer and linguist Yuri Knorozov, and he did it from his office without travelling to the far-away lands.

View More Tokens of Fate. To the 100th anniversary of Yuri Knorozov, a Soviet scientist who deciphered the Maya script

Вестник Комиссии Российской Федерации по делам ЮНЕСКО. Июль 2022 г.

Редакция “Вестника Комиссии Российской Федерации по делам ЮНЕСКО” приветствует своих читателей и представляет новый номер журнала. В непростых условиях современного мира знание истории, сохранение культуры и развитие науки важны как никогда. Именно этим темам и посвящен новый “Вестник ЮНЕСКО”.

View More Вестник Комиссии Российской Федерации по делам ЮНЕСКО. Июль 2022 г.