The Mystery of Patomskiy Crater

Patomskiy Crater, better known as Kolpakov Cone, is believed to be one of the main mysteries of Siberia. Its unusual shape and origin have long attracted the attention of researchers from all over the world. Kolpakov Cone is most similar to meteor impact marks on the Moon or Mars. 

The crater is located on the slope of the Patom Plateau in the depths of the Russian taiga. It is a cone mountain of broken grey limestone. The nearest town is Lensk, it lies 180 km away.

This weird object with unique geological characteristics was discovered in 1949 by the Soviet researcher Vadim Kolpakov.

Initially, his expedition mistook the mountain for a spoil heap, but no mining was carried out nearby. The scientists realized that they were facing a real anomaly.

Since then, numerous scientific expeditions explored the crater to provide the ground for different versions of what caused this object.

Researchers rejected the meteor hypothesis of the cone’s appearance quickly as no cosmic rocks were found in the vicinity.

Eruption of the deep flow of gas and fluid components to the surface is the most plausible version now.

Another version is collision with an unknown cylindrical object, that penetrated the rock, got into the subsurface gas pocket, and pushed the gas out.

According to year-ring analysis, the crater is 500–600 years old.

Local residents call this mysterious place the Fire Eagle Nest. This legendary object is popular among tourists, but there is no guided tours to it as no road leads there.

Sergey Kirillov