Toward an Educational Ecosystem. Scientific and practical conference “Transition from an Educational Environment to an Educational Ecosystem in the Interests of Sustainable Development”

In the spring of 2024, the University of Management TISBI hosted an international scientific and practical conference under the auspices of the Russian National Commission for UNESCO “Transition from an Educational Environment to an Educational Ecosystem in the Interests of Sustainable Development” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the USSR’s accession to UNESCO.

The event brought together more than 350 participants from 28 regions of Russia and a dozen foreign countries, such as France, India, China, Macedonia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Burundi, Congo, and others. It was attended by 20 UNESCO chairs and 123 UNESCO associated schools, two UNEVOC centers.

The plenary session of the conference was addressed by State Counselor of the Republic of Tatarstan, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Mintimer Shaimiev and Secretary General of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO Tatiana Dovgalenko.

A welcome address was heard from Federi­co Mayor Zaragoza, President of the Culture of Peace Foundation, Honorary Chairman of the Académie de la Paix, and former Director General of UNESCO (1987–1999).

At the plenary section, the conference participants were welcomed by Inga Nishanyan, Coordinator of UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme from UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.

The report of Nella Pruss, Professor, Head of the International UNESCO Chair, National Coordinator of the UNESCO ASPnet in Russia, Head of the UNEVOC Center, President of the University of Management TISBI, was met with special interest.

Nella Pruss explained that the industry no longer needs the standard professionals that universities continue to produce in large numbers. In today’s realities, the new information environment of humanity is changing the way of life, expanding through the search for alternative sources of knowledge, integration with business, family, professional, and research communities. Such an environment acquires the features of an ecosystem where education does not follow a template and “conveyor” principle but where, on the contrary, each individual has the right to choose a comfortable, personal, highly effective, ecological educational and later professional niche for themselves.

Elena Alexandrova, Director of the Institute of International and Regional Projects in Education, Executive Director of the UNEVOC Center of the University of Management TISBI, revealed the concept of an ecosystem of UNESCO educational projects. She also noted that “this conference is not only a step toward creating an educational ecosystem of UNESCO networks in Russia but also a real opportunity to discuss the model of interaction of all UNESCO projects and the methodology of its application in practice.”

A unified digital information environment created on the basis of the website of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network ( was presented at one of the conference venues. This resource was created on the initiative of the National Coordination Center of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network in Russia and with the support of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.

The conference included a meeting of the Coordination Committee of UNESCO Chairs and a meeting of the National Council of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network in Russia. Tatiana Dovgalenko delighted the audience with the pleasant news that 15 Russian schools had received certificates of membership in the UNESCO Associated Schools Network.

The main conclusion was that the ecosystem of UNESCO educational projects is a network of interconnected and diverse actors involved in the lifelong learning/education/development process. It will unite different levels of education: primary, basic, secondary, secondary vocational, higher. That means that both schools and colleges as well as universities will be able to act as subjects of the system. The ecosystem of UNESCO educational projects will aim at the full development of its constituent elements thus providing all participants with experience applicable throughout life. 

The material was provided by the UNESCO Chair at the University of Management TISBI