From Lake Baikal to the White Sea. Russia issues stamps to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the USSR’s accession to UNESCO

At the opening of the photo exhibition prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in cooperation with the TASS news agency and dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the USSR’s accession to UNESCO, a solemn ceremony of cancellation of postage stamp blocks took place.

The cancellation of stamp blocks designed for the 70th anniversary of the USSR’s accession to UNESCO was carried out by Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov. A special souvenir stamp with the date “April 22, 2024” was made to cancel two postage stamp blocks. The minister personally stamped and signed each envelope.

State postage stamps are not only of practical importance, they also reflect the history, culture, traditions, and nature of the country: they preserve historical memory and cultural heritage for future generations.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the USSR’s accession to UNESCO, two postage stamp blocks were issued: Lake Baikal (artist Sergey Ulyanovskiy) and Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea (artist Ivan Ulyanovskiy). The nominal value of both postage stamp blocks is 150 rubles, and the circulation is 19,000 copies.

After cancellation, the stamps will appear in Russian Post offices. For some, this will be an occasion to replenish their philatelic collection, and someone will be able to send a letter with a piece of Russia’s natural and cultural heritage.