Studying in the UNESCO School

On June 4 and 5, 2019, the UNESCO Chair on Global Problems and Emerging Social and Ethical Challenges for Large Cities and Their Population at the Faculty of Global Processes of the Lomonosov Moscow State University hosted the 3th UNESCO School programme, titled “Management of Social Transformations”, on the issue of Global Social Transformations and Sustainable Development Goals under the auspices of the Commission for the Russian Federation for UNESCO.

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Bioethical Initiatives

On June 6–7, 2019, the 11th session of IGBC, the Inter-Governmental Bioethics Committee, was held at UNESCO headquarters. The topical issues of artificial intelligence, personal & social responsibility for human health, and the principles of human reproductive health were actively discussed. The Russian delegation took an active part in the session.

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A Legend of the Storm: the Discovery of Nakhodka Bay

Developing the southern shores of the Far East in the mid-nineteenth century was of seminal importance for Russia in acquiring new territories and establishing diplomatic relations with neighboring Asian countries. This was a time of great geographical accomplishments, which included the discovery of Nakhodka Bay by the Russian steam corvette America on June 18, 1859.

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