The Polar Captain. In Memory of Ferdinand Wrangel

The outstanding polar explorer and navigator, Ferdinand Wrangel, passed away 150 years ago. Wrangel circumnavigated the globe three times and was a progressive statesman and one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society. Today, many geographical locations are named after Wrangel, including, most famously, a Russian island in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Wrangel Island, part of the Wrangel Island Reserve, displays the harsh beauty of polar nature in all its splendor and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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A Composer, a Human, a Brand

“Oh, Petya, Petya, what a scandal! You are giving up the world of law for some reed pipe!”, told Tchaikovsky’s uncle in despair when the future genius left his position at the Ministry of Justice to focus solely on music. The stern relative could hardly imagine what benefit such change of trade would bring to the entire humanity for centuries ahead.

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