Wild Prowess Knows no Bounds Russian. Hunting on Horseback With Sighthounds

First appearing in Russia in the middle of the 17th century, hunting became an integral part of the noble life and culture. The Russian Manor is practically synonymous with hunting. From poetry to prose to painting — Russian hunting is reflected in almost every form of art.

Hare- and foxhunting with Sighthounds are the most ancient of hunts here. Hunting was full of fun, daring, courage and panache, and was distinguished by its peculiar beauty and was of great importance in the training of cavalry soldiers. Hunting required huge preliminary work, versatile experience and the finest knowledge of animal habits. At present, in Europe, hunting with Sighthounds became a thing of the past, but in Russia it still has its fans.

In the fall all Russian nobility used to gather for hunting with Sighthounds, leaving their worries and businesses behind. What was so attractive for them in hunting? the excitement of the chase? the beauty of wilting nature? a palette of spectacular hunting costumes or harmony between a rider and a horse, a man and the nature? Or a special sense of camaraderie, solidarity, as a guarantee of hunting luck? Was it a charm of a leisurely conversation around a campfire at a halt, gentlemen in braid jackets, and ladies in luxurious riding-habits being tired of the race but still elegant? Fresh frosty air, endless fields? in order to appreciate it, you need to take part in a historical hunting.

Only an experienced rider can feel this joy. Hunting has always been and still is the utmost horseback riding and requires good training of both the rider and the horse. During hunting, both riders and Sighthounds line up, go in equal numbers, with a short distance from each other, covering the largest area of the field in order to frighten off the animal lurking in the grass. As soon as the animal is raised, Sighthounds are let loose and horse riders become part of a swift pursuit. the rider’s role in this race is extremely important. Firstly, some of the riders move along edges of a field, cutting off a game from the forest. in forest, Sighthound is powerless. Secondly, when Sighthounds catch the animal, a horse hunter is able to immediately recall the dogs and prevent the prey from being torn apart. a hunter on foot runs the risk of finding only shreds remaining from the captured game. Thirdly, the rider, while chasing an animal, points a dog in the direction of pursuit of prey. the dog, moving with the hunter, may not see the prey in dense grass. Another advantage of horse hunting is its scale. the rider has the ability to cover a large area.

Hunting in the first snow has its own charm. Snow allows you to see the tracks and quickly find a lying game. Unfortunately, hunting with Sighthounds in winter is not possible. in deep snow, dogs and horses can not move for a long time. Animals get tired quickly, because the hunt usually takes at least six to eight hours. in addition, maneuverability and speed of movement are reduced, thus hunting is doomed to failure.

Despite all the advantages of Borzoi Sighthounds, it is very difficult for them to compete with wild animals in running speed, agility and cunning. a rare pursuit ends in success. the participation of a hunter on horseback increases the chance of victory, 

Irina Larionova, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of Department in Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, President of the LAIR Equestrian Club.